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Tarot card reading at santosha spirit healing in nimbin. online and onsite.

“Tarot doesn't predict the future.

Tarot facilitates it.”
Philippe St Genoux

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Santosha Spirit offers 1:1 Intuitive Card Reading

in person or online (live or Recorded on request)



Tarot Card Reading at Santosha Spirit Healing

You need some Clarity?

Let's Give Intuitive Card Reading A try!

You have a question? You feel a bit lost and need Spiritual Guidance to find Your direction?

You are in need of an Energy Reading?

You just want to try this new experience alone or with your friends?

   Book a time live online or in person with EaLa

or opt for a Video Recorded personalised reading accessible via a private link.


Please, send a photo and ask what you are after (a question or Energy Reading).

The Tarot works in two ways; first as a symbolic language relying on imagery, numbers, association and a mirroring effect on your personal current situation; and second as a vehicle to tap in to the universal energy of the moment.


The Tarot reveals your potential. It tells you about your hopes and aspirations, and what you project into your future and the outcome of your choices. You can discover the direction you are going in, and what to do about it; how to improve your lifestyle, LoVe life or personal goals and generally develop your ability to make decisions and the best choice for yourself.


The Tarot helps to wipe clean your lens of perception and with clarity and consciousness, be better equipped to make life changing decisions. The Tarot is simply an objective mirror. The great thing about it is that the cards never lie.


When you shuffle and draw cards randomly you’re engaging with the energy of the universe. 

Tarot is both ‘fate’ and ‘freewill’. There is a choice (freewill) and chance (fate) in every moment you are using the cards. Drawing a Tarot card is a random thing on one level. Yet is it?

Could it be that the card, or rather the flow of universal energy that you are a part of is choosing you?

Carl Jung believed that the tarot card we select unconsciously is generated by something inner that needs to be expressed. We are simply tapping into the universal unconscious.



My love of divination and all things spiritual lead me back to the Tarot which illustrates my intuitive knowing.

I feel immensely grateful to have felt surrounded and protected by benevolent forces from a very young age.

I am profoundly clairaudiant and clairsentient and allow myself to be a hollow bone for whatever messages and energies need to be expressed.


I am very clear to my clients in stating, not to give their power away to me or the reading, as all I am really doing is reflecting back to them, what they already know on a very deep level, but may just need some help in remembering.

You the client, are the creator of your life experience. That is your innate power.

As the intuitive Tarot card reader, I’m just the gentle, compassionate guide and Tarot cards are the sign posts and symbols along the way.

Learn Tarot Reading with Eala from Santosha Spirit Healing

'Tarot helps us look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct, and the source of our conflicts."


Benebell Wen

Learn Tarot

How about Learning Tarot Basics?

Santosha Spirit Healing has created a few videos to introduce you to the Art of Tarot Reading with EaLa.


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Individual, couple/family appointments are available ONSITE and/or ONLINE

(Live via Zoom or recorded readings)


GROUP sessions for Meditation & Spiritual Guidance.


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04 28 189 641  

Tuesday & Thursday in Nimbin @ the Green Bank- 10am-5pm

Friday in Lismore @ 1/35 Woodlark Street- 12-5pm

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Santosha Spirit Healing in Nimbin, Norther Rivers of NSW, 2480
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