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Australian Bush Essences have powerful virtues. EaLa will make a unique blend to sustain your healing and wellbeing. Make contact with her for a holistic health assessment and she will create this unique blend just for you. 

Contact: (M: 04 28 189 641)


Bush Essences have gained a worldwide reputation for their extraordinary healing powers. One of the great things about them is that anyone can use them.

They are a totally safe, simple and extremely powerful system of healing that can bring you to emotional, spiritual and mental harmony. They are gentle, and have no side effects, making them a perfect remedy for children and babies right through to the elderly.


Their gift of healing is based on the timeless wisdom that true healing occurs when emotional balance is restored, most physical illness being the result of emotional imbalance.


Here at SantoshaSpiritHealing we create a unique blend of flower Essences to facilitate the healing process.

Using the information gathered from a holistic healing or Childosophy session, we create a blend to help bring healing to one of the seven chakras that was identified as out of balance or using Kinesiology to pinpoint the right essence blend.


A question we often ask clients who are just seeking an Australian Bush Flower Essence without a healing session is -

“What do you most want in your life right now?”

If the answer was, for example, “ I want more peace in my life”.


We would use muscle testing (Kinesiology) to determine if Black-eyed Susan, Boronia, Bottlebrush, Crowea, Dog of the Wild Forces, Mint Bush, Kangaroo Paw, Tall Mulla Mulla, Pink Mulla Mulla, Sundew, Red Lily or a combination of the above were the most appropriate for this issue.


Australian Bush Flower Essences promote healing and wellbeing by dissolving and releasing negative emotions and thoughts, and flooding your being with positive feelings such as love, joy, compassion and courage.


If you are experiencing an upset or a crisis in your life, Australian Bush Flower Essences will assist you to be aware and listen to your inner guidance, work through feelings and experiences , and recover more quickly.



  • At Santosha Spirit Healing we take pride in offering you quality service on all levels.

    Our Essences are made in a loving and caring environment and are packed with extra care.

    However, if you receive damaged, faulty or incorrect products, we are happy to replace the goods at no extra charge.

    Please choose your items carefully as we do not refund or replace products for incorrect orders being placed by you.

04 28 189 641  

Tuesday & Thursday in Nimbin @ the Green Bank- 10am-5pm

Friday in Lismore @ 1/35 Woodlark Street- 12-5pm

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Santosha Spirit Healing in Nimbin, Norther Rivers of NSW, 2480
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